The times they are a-changin’. Don’t get left behind...

Why invest in coaching leaders for Emotional Intelligence?

This might seem like a question with an obvious answer...

Surely, you want to focus on Compassionate Leadership or Ethical Leadership or Inclusive Leadership or one of the myriad of different leadership models that have been developed in recent months.

Yet, as leaders and researcher try to make sense of how to lead during a pandemic, new models of leadership are still underpinned by leaders' Emotional Intelligence and their ability to use it.

One thing is certain, that the pandemic has meant that the demands of employees are changing.

Expectations and ambitions are not the same as they were a few years ago, and a global pandemic has only re-affirmed those opinions.

To be a leader in the current climate requires adaptability and no little amount of perseverance.

Employees want greater flexibility whether they are working from home or the office, better awareness and action on equality and diversity, mental health, and sustainability and the environment.

And consistently the polls and it is also our experience suggests that leaders and their employees are placing a higher value on people who can use their Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.

Many leaders are taking the time now to ensure that they and the organisations they represent can flourish amidst these demands.

This has been seen across the UK and around the world, in businesses, charities, academia and other sectors as managers and leaders look to develop their leadership styles and techniques to best accommodate these changes.

The ability to adopt the leadership style most suitable to particular scenarios is one that proves pivotal in instilling trust, clarity and productivity in employees and workplace environments – in person or remote.

From ‘Visionary’ styles, harnessing the power of a collective purpose, to ‘Commanding’ styles, important when leading in times of crisis, the pathway to success in this rapidly changing work settings does not lie in one direction, but many.

EBW Global’ coaching approach, with its focus on Occupational Emotional Intelligence or Business EQ, grants leaders the opportunity to explore this changing landscape using rigorous and powerful insights from the EBW Emotional Intelligence Assessment for Leaders, One to One Coaching tailored to personal development, Leadership masterclasses and much more.

Above: EBW Business Emotional Intelligence Changes Performance

The EBW approach, utilise Business Emotional Intelligence to enable leaders to gain:

  • Knowledge of latest leaderships models and styles and the confidence to use them

  • Increased mental toughness

  • Better self-awareness and personal responsibility for leadership performance

  • Better decision making and risk assessment

  • Skills and tools best used to respond to the emotions and behaviours of others

  • A measurable growth programme with KPIs to critically assess the changes from the coaching intervention

  • Tangible improvements to your work or business!

EBW assessments and coaching interventions are shaped by over 20 years of research and validation, ensuring that leaders can continue to perform highly and receive highly flexible, reliable and effective support for their managerial needs.

With a unique capacity to shape the programme based on individuals and organisations, EBW Certified Partners can create bespoke practical learning journeys that enable you to take proactive and productive steps forward after a year which, for many, became all too stagnant.

Our 90-day cycles of learning journeys:

  1. Inform and benchmark an organisation's leadership talent and prioritise where to focus their investment

  2. Focus on helping participants to ‘learn by doing’, whilst building capability and new emotional behaviours

  3. Use live examples of issues to explore new emotional behaviours and focus on actions generating results

  4. Implement a series of reinforcing and embedding ‘nudges’ to develop and embed new behaviours (e.g. short cycle coaching, peer trios, relevant videos and reading material for deeper learning).

For more information on EBW Leading With Purpose Coaching Approach click here to download our white paper or book a call with an EBW Certified Partner to hear more about how EBW assessments and coaching can benefit you and your teams.

Discover How Business Emotional Intelligence Transforms Leaders and Teams

If you would you like your leaders and teams to improve their decisions and the way they work together, click a button below to see how investing in Business Emotional Intelligence can make a difference or find an EBW Certified Partner to help you.

The EBW Global Team

We are the Business Emotional Intelligence experts. We help organisations get the best from people by using Business Emotional Intelligence (Business EQ) to improve lives by changing how leaders and teams work together. Our Business Emotional Intelligence assessments, tools and programmes enable you to get the best out of your people and make the best data-driven decisions where ever you or your candidates are in the world.


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